Principles of Entrepreneurship

What does it take to kick ass and take names on a consistent, maybe even predictable basis? That’s the question isn’t it? The holy grail of entrepreneurship.

Know who you are

My philosophy of creative entrepreneurship rests on three pillars. The first is “know who you are”—this is about recognising that there’s a way to play the entrepreneur game that’s right for you. It’s about discovering that once you focus on playing to your strengths, you’ll find Flow where your business growth goes from an uphill battle to a downhill cruise with the wind blowing through your glorious entrepreneurial hair. Being a successful entrepreneur shouldn’t mean selling yourself out, this first pillar is about staying true to you.

What is Flow, and why does it matter?

Flow is the state of being so “in the zone” with an activity or challenge that nothing else matters. Time stands still and your attention is 100% focused on the task at hand. You delight in the activity and do it for its own sake.

When you learn how to get and stay in Flow, your business becomes a joy and your progress goes from being hard-to-get to being oh-so-easy-to-give 🤩

Know where you are

The second pillar is “know where you are”—if you don’t take time to figure out where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, you risk finding yourself in a vast sea of busyness, with little to no progress to show for all the pain you’re putting yourself through. 

Starting and growing a business is about exactly that, growth. It’s virtually impossible for you to make effective decisions that grow your business if you lack the self-awareness to know where you are personally as a wealth creator, and where your business is as your vehicle of wealth creation. 


That brings us to the third and final pillar, “act”. Between wanting and having is the simple act of getting off your tooshie and doing the work! You won‘t achieve a damn thing without putting in the work to make it happen. A friend and I were recently sharing a drink and got talking about an impressive new building complex that “mushroomed” before our eyes. He put our awe into eloquent perspective: “What we didn’t see were all the people on the construction site, laying bricks every single day. All we notice is the beautiful new building that seemed to come out of nowhere” 

Ain’t that the truth?! The principle of act is about taking a step every day to move from your A → B. It’s the daily, unsexy grind that moves you forward. 

I started That Sorted Life to help you realise your potential to be a wealth creator. True wealth is about cultivating an ability to give and receive at your highest level. True wealth allows you to attract whatever you value most, be that money, time, relationships, health or something else entirely. 

Wealth isn’t about how much money you have, wealth is what you’re left with when you lose all your money

Wealth is like a garden. A well-nurtured garden is permanent, it will attract butterflies 🦋 which are transient by nature… they come and go. But a garden will always attract butterflies. Think of your business revenue as butterflies, and your wealth as the garden. Are you waking up each day chasing butterflies? Or are you growing and tending to your garden?

If you’d like to learn more about these principles, take this quick quiz right now and find your personal entrepreneurial Genius. Your Genius describes your strengths, weaknesses and winning (or losing) formula as you work to start and grow a thriving business. 


Then join our community to connect with other creative entrepreneurs who want success without selling their souls in the process.