5 Fail-proof Organising Tips for Instant Evernote Love

Learning how to use Evernote is the key question on every new user’s mind. There are plenty of resources that provide guidance on how to get out of the gate with Evernote*.

Learning how to love Evernote, is a less-documented theme, but appreciating the platform and the power it has is key to getting off to a strong start and setting the foundation for a lasting relationship with Evernote. 

I’ve put together a video compilation of my Top 5 fail-proof tips for instant Evernote love. I recorded the video on Evernote for iPhone, but the concepts are relevant regardless of the version of Evernote you’re using. 

Content Overview

Here’s a brief overview of the content I cover in the video, I’ve included a timecode for easy reference if you want to jump to a specific tip. 

Tip #1: The Getting Started Tour

The “Getting Started” feature in Evernote is a little-known but oh-so-goddamn-handy intro to the platform for new users to quickly figure out how to use Evernote for the first time. 
Timecode: 0:10

Tip #2: Arrange your Notebooks and Notebook Stacks in Evernote

In this tip, I introduce you to the concept of using Notebooks and Notebook Stacks to organise your content in Evernote. I also walk you through the steps you need to follow to create Notebooks and assign multiple Notebooks to a Notebook Stack. 
Timecode: 3:40

Tip #3: Gotta Tag ‘em All.

Tags take Evernote’s organisational ability to the next level. Evernote supports over 100,000 tags! Tags add an additional, flexible layer of organisation that spans across notes, notebooks and notebook stacks. This ability to bring up content using tags *regardless* of the notebook/s they’re in, needs to be seen (or rather used) to believed!
Timecode: 6:50

Tip #4: Keep Track of Important Dates with Evernote Reminders

Reminders add contextual relevance to notes – once you begin building up your Evernote database with hundreds of notes, you’ll almost certainly find yourself in a situation where you’ve created a note, which you’ll only need to reference at a future date (e.g bringing up an invoice for an item you purchased when the warranty is almost due). Reminders are a powerful way to bring up the content you need, when you need it. 
Timecode: 8:50

Tip 5: Create a “Things You Need to Know” Note

I’ve saved the best tip for last... Every single one of us has really really important information which we typically have filed away in any number of locations. My (patent pending) “things you need to know” note ensures that all your life-or-death-kinda-important notes are always on hand when you need them in an easy-to-get-to and central location.
Timecode: 12:15


* That Sorted Life community members enjoy access to a FREE “Getting Started with Evernote for Mac” guide. If you aren't subscribed, what the F are you waiting for?!