Measure your Money

Measure your Money


This Action Pack will help you set up a habit of financial discipline
to get cashflow positive as quickly as possible. 

Scroll down for more detail, sample PDF and overview video.

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Are you sinking deeper into debt each month? Get the Measure your Money playbook from That Sorted Life

Wealth Level: Infrared – Victim. 
The “Victim” (Infrared) level of wealth is a state of anxiety and stress where you feel like you’re stuck and falling deeper into debt each month.

How do I know if I’m on this level? You have negative personal cash flow every month. You feel stressed out about your finances, you feel anxious and often feel helpless. 

If you’re spending more money than you’re earning each month then this playbook is a must for you.

There are many different ways to fall into negative cashflow, just as there’re many different ways to fall off a ship at sea. This playbook will teach you how to ‘swim’ (financially speaking) so that even if you do fall overboard, you’ll have the certainty of knowing that you won’t go under ever again. 

A time and place for everything.

There’s an appropriate time and place for everything. You wouldn’t go into a library for a few drinks and a catch up with your friends, just as much as you wouldn’t go into a nightclub to read a great book. If you haven’t designed your time and your environment, there’s no way you’re going to be able to design your money. The design of your time and space creates a rhythm and a sustainability which you’ll be able to rely on week after week, and year after year. This sustained rhythm will attract the right people and opportunities to you. 

Pay yourself first.

You need to fix your cash plumbing system before opening the tap — this begins with establishing a habit of paying yourself first. How do you start if you're in debt, or have no money at all? You start with your time. The secret to increased cashflow is improving the quality of how you invest your time. 

Design a million dollar plumbing system.

This playbook will help you to design your time in a way that will lead to increased cashflow. You will reduce your stress, sharpen your focus and improve your confidence. You'll have the certainty of knowing that you won’t lose the money you’ve made because of the “million dollar cash plumbing” system you’ve put in place. 


Measure your Money Overview.