Do your Duty

Do your Duty


This Action Pack help you reconnect (and stay connected) to cashflow by using commitment and consequence as leverage to push yourself in the right direction.

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Wealth Level: Infrared – Victim. 
The “Victim” (Infrared) level of wealth is a state of anxiety and stress where you feel like you’re stuck and falling deeper into debt each month.


How do I know if I’m on this level? You have negative personal cash flow every month. You feel stressed out about your finances, you feel anxious and often feel helpless. 

The Do your Duty interactive playbook helps you develop a non-negotiable commitment to taking the steps necessary to move out of the “Victim” level of wealth once and for all. By working through the various chapters in the playbook, you’ll appreciate how your discipline leads to the freedom you desire. 

Infrared (“Victim”) level is characterised by disconnection from flow, most of us understand that the solution is to get plugged back in but we’re using the wrong motivator. In the playbook you'll learn about the five common motivators, here are a couple of examples...

Action Motivator #1: Your Reaction.

Reacting to fear, flight or fight is a common driver to act. Reactions drive you to action but reactions are a notoriously short-lived fuse. The moment the emotion that drove you to act dissipates, your brain blocks out the negativity and before you know it, you’re back in your old habits leaving you exhausted and emotionally drained. 

Action Motivator #2: Your Ideas. 

Our natural response to an undesirable situation is to come up with ideas of our own. We then try to convince others to support our great idea.. the problem is, at Infrared level, we’re seeking support too early. It’s like a pilot inviting people onto a flight when it’s clear to everyone that the plane is missing a wing, and the pilot wonders why people aren’t rushing on. This leads to demotivation and a loss of self-confidence. 

The final motivator, your duty to non-negotiable commitment and consequence, is the one that will get you reconnected. 

Get Outside.

While there’s nothing wrong with popular advice that tells us to pursue our passions and purpose, if you’re at a point of overconsumption or debt, then your attention needs to be on the discipline to self-correct and get to a healthier financial state. This interactive playbook will show you how to leverage extrinsic motivation (your sense of 'duty’ to something bigger than you) instead of relying on intrinsic motivators like passion and purpose.

Get Moving. 

Do your Duty is all about setting your attention on something that will create an obligation in you to move. It’s no longer about whether you 'feel' like moving. You just move. Once you're moving, we'll add in the passion, the purpose, your actions and your reactions through other playbooks available on the site.