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My thoughts on the concept of ‘abundance’ (and a brief overview of The Abundance Code documentary by Julie Ann Cairns)

The Abundance Code documentary (trailer) – by Julie Ann Cairns

Our brain’s natural filtering system, which is pessimistic by design, makes it difficult to be optimistic, let alone accept that we live in a truly abundant world. 

It is the choices we make that ultimately shape our experience of the world, being either a place of scarcity and lack or a place of abundance. Every choice we make, from the mundane to the profound, shapes our experience – the sum of our individual choices sets us on a path of scarcity or abundance. Unbeknownst to us, we live our lives in a competitive (rather than cooperative) mindset, telling ourselves: “Once I get more [x], I’ll be happy/kind/compassionate/amazing etc..” – the very concept of ‘more’ dictates that there’s never enough. Abundance is choosing to start with being rather than waiting to have in order to be.

Julie Ann Cairn’s framing of abundance, and indeed scarcity, is one of the most accessible I’ve come across. She describes “scare-city” as a place where we live in fear. We live in the belief that we have to strive because we’re not enough. It’s an existence built on comparison and competition. In this state, we strive to acquire material things that display outer abundance. We fail to experience the sense of joy and fulfilment we seek because we lack inner abundance and we’re left feeling hollow. Our attempts to acquire more and more in an attempt to fill the void prove futile, because as the saying goes: “no matter where you go, there you are.”

Inner abundance is found in the knowledge that you are enough. Without accepting this truth, any outer abundance is marred by comparison. 

Julie uses a metaphor of a tree to describe the opposite of “scare-city” – the “Abundance Forest” is a place where its inhabitants don’t have anything to prove. They’re genuine, authentic and express a generosity that’s tempered with discernment. 


The five essential elements of your tree of abundance.

A tree serves as an apt metaphor for the attributes of abundance

#1. Roots = subconscious beliefs.

The first thing you have to pay attention to are your subconscious beliefs about money. What are your beliefs about wealth, health, and prosperity? What do you believe about your deservedness of the things you desire? Do you believe you’re enough? Do you believe there *is* enough?

#2. Soil = external influences.

The second thing to consider is your external influences. Be mindful of the company you keep, the things you pay attention to and listen to. Ruthlessly disconnect from sources of information that suggest you’re not enough. 


#3. Trunk = your attitude.

Examine your own attitude, is your attitude towards yourself one of total responsibility and accountability? You have control over three key areas in your life:

  1. The thoughts you think
  2. The images you visualise, and
  3. The actions you take

Are you a victim of your circumstances or are you someone who takes full responsibility for your life?

#4. Leaves = knowledge & action.

Interestingly this is the area most of us give attention to first – society tells us what we ought to do and who we ought to be in order to fit the definition of “success.” Just as a tree will naturally sprout leaves if the soil is conducive, you will naturally come across the right knowledge and discover the right steps to take, provided you’ve attended to the foundational aspects of your beliefs, your external influences and your attitude beforehand. 

#5. Fruit = outcomes.

Everybody has an abundance of something – not everyone has an abundance of the things they want. Sadly, most of us have an abundance of things we don’t want. If we cultivate a healthy relationship with giving as much as we can, we’ll receive more than we ever thought humanly possible. 

Abundance is a feeling of joy, not fear. It’s a feeling of freedom, not confinement. Whenever you’re feeling stuck, or going around in circles, then determine what truly matters to you (i.e articulate your values) based on what your life is demonstrating. There is a voice. Live it. Step into it. Don’t strive... 

When you ask yourself the question: “how can I help/give?” you invariably feel a sense of gratitude; gratitude leads to abundance because, by the very act of expressing appreciation and gratitude, you affirm that you already have.

I could dedicate an entire blog post to my own struggles with the idea of just *being*, but this post ain’t about me, so tell me... What does abundance mean to you? I’m curious so take a minute to drop a comment below.