3D Illustration of young female looking out wistfully of her window

Ready to make 2023 your best year ever?

Your Perfect Year is a goal setting and achievement system to help you define and ACHIEVE your most important goals


Why Your Perfect Year works.

Your Perfect Year has been developed over 7+ years and is proven to help busy people (like you) achieve their most important goals


PART1: The Future Vision

A vivid description of your perfect year

Part 1 of our system is a step-by-step guide to help you write a compelling vision of everything you want to see, do, have and be in the next year. This is your Future Vision and everything in Your Perfect Year is laser-focused on making it happen.


Why the Future Vision works:

Cultivates consistency to keep working towards your most important goals. As the saying goes: “your goals are on the other side of consistency”… reading your Future Vision each week keeps you motivated and energised to keep at it.

Serves as your “North Star” so you can prioritise based on whether a task or decision is moving you towards your Future Vision or away from it. You will discover clarity and resourcefulness you never knew you had.

Guides you to describe your goals as if they’ve already happened. Using past-tense language is a neuro-hack that triggers your brain to bridge the gap between your current reality and the inevitable future you’ve described.

You don’t achieve what you want, you achieve what you expect. Describing a goal as something that is inevitable and will happen versus something you want can override your limiting beliefs. You’re unlikely to commit to a goal unless you believe it can be achieved, that’s why creating expectation is essential to goal achievement. Yet another reason why the Future Vision is so effective.

These are just a few of the 25+ principles and hacks baked into the ypy system, working in the background to help you achieve your most important goals


PART 2: The Achievement Blueprint

Week-by-week clarity of the critical actions needed to make your perfect year happen

The Achievement Blueprint breaks your BIG goals into the smallest, simplest and easiest step you can take to make them happen. This technique is known as “chunking”.

Why chunking works:

Our brains are naturally wired to avoid pain and pursue pleasure. When your brain anticipates a challenging task, it triggers a pain response in your brain which often results in avoidance or procrastination.

By breaking your goal into smaller ‘chunks’ you can overcome this resistance and make progress. The trick is in having confidence that the smaller actions you take will move you towards your ultimate goal.

The Achievement Blueprint helps you identify the most important tasks you should focus on each quarter, month and week, to make your biggest and most daring goals happen!


What’s included?


Demo videos and completed examples

The demo videos will walk you through everything you need to write your Future Vision, complete your Achievement Blueprint and do your weekly reviews. Includes tips to help you track your progress and course correct when needed.

Future Vision Template

Describe your dream year with our easy-to-follow template. The Future Vision template includes prompts for each area of your personal and professional life so you can jump right into dreaming up your perfect year.

Achievement Blueprint

Break your annual goals into quarterly, monthly and weekly goals. You’ll learn the ONE question you need to ask and answer to know what to focus on today, this week, month or quarter to make your perfect year happen.




Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I buy? When do I get my goodies?

When you click the buy button, you’ll be redirected to thatsorteduniversity.com to enter your payment information and get instant access to the programme. You’ll also receive a notice, via email, to access your account (be sure to check the spam folder in case it doesn’t appear in your inbox).

How long will it take for me to complete the program?

The programme is modular so it works just as well for a single, short-term goal as it does for an entire year (or multiple years for that matter), it’s completely up to you.

What happens if I’m unhappy with my purchase?

We encourage our customers to reach out to us so we can help address any concerns. If you’d like to request a refund, your request will be subject to our refund policy.

Can I share Your Perfect Year with a friend?

We love to share the love, so if by “sharing” you mean recommending the programme to your friends and family, then hell-to-the-yes! Be our guest (and thank you).

That said, your purchase of YPY is for single use and cannot be shared as noted in our terms of service.

What happens if I get stuck or fall off the wagon? Do I have to wait for the monthly AMA session?

Absolutely not, we’re here to help you get unstuck in any way we can. You’re always welcome to reach out to us via the Contact page here on thatsortedlife.com or drop us a note on the Help & Support page on thatsorteduniversity.com or send us an email :)

Do you provide one-on-one coaching?

Not right now, but we’re working on an optional add-on for YPY because we know the difference having an accountability buddy can make to your success (that’s a hint). Click here if you’d like to be notified when our new product is announced.

What I love about working on your Future Vision is that it encompasses every aspect of your life. I sat down and really looked at hard questions to answer about how I was going to affect my life financially, personally and in other goals I had.

It gave me such a clear vision of what I wanted my year to look like, and what was amazing was when I looked back at the end of the year... I was pleasantly surprised and actually super proud of myself for what I did achieve. I would say 70% of what I put down in my Future Vision came to fruition.

I’ve always thought discipline is a bad thing but I’ve learned that discipline trumps motivation because consistency compounds. If you’re disciplined in doing your weekly reviews and achieving small steps, bit by bit you’ll actually achieve a lot by the end of the year.

I would recommend Your Perfect Year to anyone.
— Natalie M. (Founder @ Bergamot & Vetiver)

Ready for your perfect year?

Move your whole life forward, not just the work or business related parts
✔ Always know the most valuable thing to do at any moment
Get started immediately with our done-for-you templates and demo content
Keep moving towards your goals even when motivation is low or life gets in the way




Important:You will be redirected to our online learning platform, That Sorted U to complete your purchase and access Your Perfect Year

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