Your Best Year Ever: Michael Hyatt - Summary & Analysis (6/6)

Your Best Year Ever : Michael Hyatt

The Leap Principle.

Dreaming of a better tomorrow isn’t enough. I think the future is open to us to decide what to do. In other words, the future is in your hands. But only if you act today. I can think of no realization more important than this as we come to a close.

Dreaming up big results can be emotionally satisfying and intellectually stimulating. But getting started requires action. And that can be tough. 

But proceeding without all the answers is not the real risk here. Not even close. The real risk is this: When facing these sorts of challenges, instead of taking action we can coast on the good feeling of the dream without taking the necessary steps to see it realized.

The Law of Diminishing Intent - Your Best Year Ever

Soon you’ll be susceptible to the Law of Diminishing Intent. It states, the longer you wait to take action, the less likely you will be to take it.

The LEAP Principle = “Never leave the scene of clarity (AKA a decision) without taking action.”

If you want to see a big change, you must be willing to take a big LEAP. It’s as simple as four steps, one for each letter of the acronym:

  1. Lean into the change with expectancy.
    When you notice that a change is desirable or necessary, that’s your green light. Punch the gas pedal. That inkling is all you need to get going.
  2. Engage with the concept until you achieve clarity.
    Don’t let the feeling pass. Work with it until you’ve got a sense of what to do. That nagging thought in the back of your mind might be the start of a whole new adventure — or the ladder you need to climb out of a deep rut.
  3. Activate and do something — anything.
    Sometimes we wait to move until we have all the information. That’s a mistake. Clarity comes in degrees. And you only need enough light for the next step. Even if you get off on the wrong foot, the rest of the journey will become clearer as you go.
  4. Pounce and do it now.
    Once you’ve determined your next step, take it. Don’t wait. Waiting feels safe, but waiting kills dreams.

Your best year ever isn’t a movie you can sit back and watch. It’s a vision that needs to be built, starting now, or it won’t come true. Don’t defer your dreams. Don’t delay your goals. Don’t procrastinate on the one thing you need to do today to make meaningful progress in your personal or professional life. Once you’ve determined your next step, take it. Don’t wait. Take a LEAP.